Pitcairn Islands
Tuesday, February 14, 2006 We are not the same as Eskimo's

Hi Dear Readers,
once again we have been offended by the Bloggers of this world, how I wish those pissed stained, fart wreaking bloggers would just go to Iceland!

I have today passed a motion at the Council for Cultural Affairs, in which it will soon be made illegal to mention our beloved Pitcairn Islands in the same paragraph as those seal skinned cold people - the Eskimo's.

Long Live the Pitcairns

Vive La France

Vauxhaull Viva

Yours slightly pissed

Ian St. Range, Vice Council for Lancashire

PS one of these damned blogs even cast aspersions on my sister Brian's barmaid skills in her job in London, UK! Damn those fekkers!

Posted by Pitcairn Islanders - The Real Christians :: 5:38 AM :: 6 comments

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