Pitcairn Islands
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 THE SHIP'S EARLY

Great news, the S.S. Golden Shower has arrived a whole 3 months early, that's never happened before. I've got to dash, packing to do, some naughty lads to round up and take to prison in New Zealand, 8 in all, that means about 25% of Pitcairn Islanders are now classed as career criminals.

I've just got to nip to the shop and see if they have any of those large flat carrier cases used for artworks, I bet they only have a small selection to choose from, Sheila the owner will say the usual thing 'there's no demand for them, i only have 50 customers!'.

Anyway, must dash I've got to catch the Golden Shower!

Ian St. Range

Posted by Pitcairn Islanders - The Real Christians :: 3:27 AM :: 0 comments

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