Pitcairn Islands
Thursday, February 16, 2006 MISFORTUNE UPON MISFORTUNE

My newly acquired portfolio case is no longer newly acquired, it is now newly departed, along with it's contents, which if you remember were the two Eskimo Ed cartoons - similar to the much hated muslim cartoons, and the the really vile and offensive peanut cartoons from America, no-one rioted in the streets when they were published, and they published them throughout the world for years.

However, the reason that the newly acquired portfolio is now newly departed is as follows, i left it on board SS Golden Shower when I was rescued by the two seaman named Wong. The goods news that eminates from my loss is that it enable me to have a hand free to carry my laptop.

See God has not fallen out with me after all, he may be one angry mo.fo., but he's not one one to carry a grudge.

Must dash, we're all builidng a shelter.

St. Range

Posted by Pitcairn Islanders - The Real Christians :: 6:10 AM :: 0 comments

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