Pitcairn Islands
Tuesday, May 09, 2006 Goats, Planes and Automobiles

I'm really quite annoyed today, my valet Chervaise has just informed me that he has homosexual tendencies and cannot continue to carry out his duties to the standard that is expected. I was astonished that anyone named Chervaise could even spell the word homosexual, never mind bugger his life up by being gay!

You must understand, I'm not homophobic, by any stretch of the imagination, but, I draw the line at Dyslecia, I mean dyzelia, sod it I mean dysleicia, f%^&ing hell, the inability of one's mind to distinguish words.

The problem we peple who can;t spell properly is that their chodiness cums out in other phorms, they fail to ty there shu laces properly, they blo there noses on there sleefs. I thinc u get the picter!

Anyway, back to Chervaise, he's buggered off to Plumbers Inlet - to get his act together, this leaves me with an awful problem. As my valet, he was also the Goat Commander, rather like Her Majesty's - Keeper of the Swans, Chervaise had full control of the only three mammals on Pitcairn - as pictured. The three Angolan, I ordered Andorra, but some clever tw%t couldn't spell, goats are, as you can see - living the high life, that is, hopping from one rock to another, a bit like Whitney Houston, but I digress.

The Angolan goats pictured are named after famous Angolan Events, so here we have Mercenary, Courts and Gaol, of course, if they had been born later they would have been called Mercenary, Released and What the fuc^ happened to the English Mercenaries in Angola!

Oh well, back to my crochet.

PS as an adolecence in Pitcairn my ambition was to be a Mercenary, instead I became a Diplomat - You see, you can bring a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.

Posted by Pitcairn Islanders - The Real Christians :: 3:14 PM :: 2 comments

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