Pitcairn Islands

Let the bells ring out for we are saved. With great forethought the ship SS Neatabush that delivers the Pitcairn Post heard of the sad loss of the SS Golden Shower, and decided to make a detour on it's way to the Pitcairns via some of the outlying islands.

Our party of scouts spotted the Neatabush on the horizon and luckily for us all were able to ignite the first of our McBurek takeaways as a beacon.

The smoke from the greasy bureks not only attracted the attentions of the Neatabush, but apparantly can be seen alongside the Great Wall of China from the International Spacestation.

In less than 2 days I will be back with my people - The Christians.

On opening my mail, sipping a Campari and Lemonade on the quarter deck, I have discovered exciting news. I am to be the new Lord St. Range of Pitcairn. This will enable me to be a great ambassador for the Pitcairns and The Christians.

I have also heard from my solicitor that there is another group of fakers pretending to be The Christians, apparently a group of shaven headed heathens from a village called Merseyside in England, have been singing and dancing, can you believe it, ON TELEVISION!

Okay it was in the 1980s and early 90s, but Jesus Christ, who do they think they are?

I've also got God's email address, I'm going to give him one more chance.

Posted by Pitcairn Islanders - The Real Christians :: 2:49 AM :: 0 comments

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